Monday, February 4, 2013

Plantains, Cilantro Lime Rice, Spicy Black Beans and Fried Eggs

This satisfying vegetarian dinner is easy, healthy, and pretty quick to whip up too, if you keep rice and salsa in your pantry. Just be sure you buy the plantains in advance so they have time to turn black and soften into platanos maduros. You can accelerate the process by placing them in a paper bag. 

For the rice...
1 cup rice
1 1/2 cups water (or however much water your package indicates)
1/2 cup cilantro
juice of one lime
salt and pepper to taste

For the beans...
1 clove garlic, mined finely
1 small onion, chopped
1 can low sodium, organic black beans, rinsed well
1/2 cup salsa (or one tomato chopped with it's juice and some hot sauce)

For the plantains...
Plantains, peeled and chopped into inch pieces on the diagonal
1/2 Tablespoon salted butter

For the eggs...
Free range, organic eggs 
Olive oil for frying

Tortilla chips, hot sauce, lime wedges, extra salsa, avocado, grated cheese of your choice, other things...

Cook a cup of rice per the package instructions. Toss with the lime juice, cilantro and salt and pepper to taste.  

Rinse a can of black beans and set aside to drain. 

In a small/medium pot over medium heat, saute the onions until translucent then add the garlic and saute for a few seconds more until fragrant. Add the beans and the salsa or tomato with it's juice and heat everything through. Taste for seasoning.

For the plantains, melt the butter in a frying pan over medium high heat. Cook the plantains so they are seared, browned and slightly softened. Move the plantains to a serving dish.

In the same pan, add about a teaspoon of olive oil and fry the eggs in the style you prefer. Serve everything buffet style, like above, or plate it up!